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Are You A 911 Dispatcher?

An Increase in the Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survival Rate

When Every Second Counts

When people call 911 they expect they are going to get help right away. For cardiac arrest, "right away" means "right away." Not in two minutes, not in eight. Compressions need to start as soon as possible and this requires involving callers and bystanders in the patient’s care.

The First Link in the Chain of Survival

With an estimated 350,000 out-of-hospital cardic arrest events annually, each presenting a 10-minute window for survival, telecommunicators are the critical first responders in the chain of survival.

Survivor Karen Grams

Hello, my name is Karen Grams. I suffered a sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The teamwork between a 911 telecommunicator and my husband saved my life. This course was designed to teach you the necessary skills to handle emergencies like mine. Thank you for the service you provide your communities every day.